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Basic usage

guiLiner starts in ``Editing options'' mode. You can select options from the option tree (Fig. 1.1 4) by clicking on them. When you do, an interface to manipulate that option is displayed in the options pane (Fig. 1.1 3). The exact interface will vary depending on which type of option it is- it may have a text box where you can fill in a value, or a set of buttons that allow you to set the option to one of several given values. In all cases you should be able to get more information on the option by looking at the ``Information'' tab in the option pane.

The colors in the option tree give you a quick visual guide to your run settings. Red = option is required, value not yet specified; Black = option required, value not yet specified; Blue = option has a set value and will be used if the program is run.

While editing option values you may want to revert to the start state. You can do this by clicking on the ``Reset'' button (Fig. 1.1 2), which will cause guiLiner to re-load the XML file with all its settings.

As you edit options, information may be displayed in the console (Fig. 1.1 5). If you would like to clear this and the error pane click on the ``Clear'' button (Fig. 1.1 2).

You can also check how guiLiner will attempt to run the program by clicking on the ``Preview'' button (Fig. 1.1 2). This will cause guiLiner to display the current command line in the console.

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Nicholas Manoukis 2007-11-14