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Running the hosted program

If the ``RUN PROGRAM'' button is not clickable this means that the hosted program's path as specified in the XML file does not seem to specify a valid binary. This may be due to a permission error or just a missing executable. You can set the binary location using the dialog under ``Settings - Hosted Program''(see 2.3.4). If you specify a reachable file the ``RUN PROGRAM'' button should be enabled.

Once all parameters are set to your satisfaction, clicking on the ``RUN PROGRAM'' button in the button-bar should start the hosted program running with the correct options and values. The status bar will indicate if the program is running. One important point is that any option without a value will not be included in the command line. This is how you avoid using options- do not set a value to them.

Another consideration is which order the options and values appear on the command line. This is determined by the structure and order of the XML file, described below. If you are having problems of this sort please contact the hosted program developer or modify the XML file yourself if possible.

Program run-time output should be displayed in the console pane at the bottom of the window. If any errors are generated, they should be displayed in the error tab of that pane. The tab text will change to red, altering you that there has been one or more errors.

Note also that while the hosted program is running the ``RUN PROGRAM'' button is changed to a ``STOP PROGRAM'' button. Pressing it when in that state should forcibly stop the execution of the hosted program. Whether the program ends normally or has an error or if you interrupt it, the status bar will display some run information when execution is complete.

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Nicholas Manoukis 2007-11-14