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Previous: Overview
In this part of the program you will find three menus: File,
Settings and Help. File contains functions for file input
and output, Settings contains those related to guiLiner's looks and basic
hosted program setting and Help contains links to the hosted program's
manual (if available) and to guiLiner information.
- File - Save Console/Error: Save the current contents of the console and
error panes (5- see below) to a plain text file
- File - Save XML File: Save an XML file with hosted program description
and option values as currently set. This allows you to return to your work or
save the settings you used for a particular run
- File - Open XML File: Load an XML file with a hosted program description
and option information/values
- File - Exit : quits guiLiner
- Settings - Hosted program : Set path and identity of the hosted program
- Settings - Visual settings : Set the look and feel for guiLiner
- Help - [program name] Manual : Starts a simple HTML browser for reading
the hosted program's manual (if available)
- Help - About : Information on guiLiner
Next: Button Bar (2)
Up: Overview
Previous: Overview
Nicholas Manoukis